Recently I got two reports about Tzor'a Valley's birds. The first is a Reed Warbler ringed at Tzor'a reservoir on March 2010, recaptured at Croatia on 08/08/11, 2081 km from the original ringing site; this is only the second Israeli control in Croatia, the previous occurred in 1970. Second is a female Blackcap found run over at Glava, Sweden at the end of June, 3507 km from the ringing site. This is certainly good news and a very good reward for our extensive effort, on average I get one recovery during a year; these together with the
Song Thrush found in Cyprus on January are already three!
Last Friday I ringed, as always, at Tzor'a Valley; the autumn is advancing with the first 2 Great-reed Warblers, 1 Savi's Warbler, 4 Kingfishers and a few Reed Warblers. Nets on the reservoir shore produced 3 waders: Ruff, Common Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper.
Ruff - juvenile female |
Common Sandpiper - juvenile |
Common Ringed Plover - adult female |
Great-reed Warbler - adult |