In my area, Tzor'a Valley, spring migration is less dramatic compared to southern Israel. Nevertheless, this March is more successful compared to previous years. The total is 516 birds from 39 species, another 191 birds were recaptured.
The most interesting species this month are Water Rail, Little Crake (first ringed in Tzor'a), Green Sandpiper (2), Moustached Warbler and Common Rosefinch.
.JPG) |
Little Crake - female |
Common Rosefinch - female |
Migration is rather slow, but breeding is evident with more and more brood patches found on Reed, Clamorous-reed and Cetti's Warblers. The breeding birds have returned to their territories and produced some ancient and interesting recaptures (see table). Both male Little Bitterns ringed in August-September 2011 and recaptured together during territorial fights, are often heard giving their bark-like song in the early mornings.
Little Bittern - males |
Recaptures - March |
This Balkan Warbler is part of a nice and unusual wave of this species in our region. Until this year I had ringed only one (March 2008) and this March four individuals were ringed; their song and calls heard in Tamarisk bushes near our ringing spot.
Balkan Warbler |
Water Rail |
Common Whitethroat |
Graceful Prinia - male |